David Hacker

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the Internet! I'm David.

I graduated from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in 2021, where I majored in computer science. Prior to graduation, I was a software engineering intern at Bloomberg and Citadel Securities, where I was a part of their market data infrastructure and options market making teams respectively. I decided to stay on with Citadel, where I currently work as a software engineer.

My main interests are in systems and software engineering, but I enjoy learning about anything computing-related. I love building compact, modular systems and am a big fan of the Unix philosophy, *nix systems in general, vim and zsh. You can find my dotfiles here.

My Blog

I enjoy writing about topics that interest me, covering a broad spectrum of fields but mostly focusing on issues related to computer science, engineering, programming, and system design.

For starters, please first read my previous post, part 1, which describes some of the context regarding the construction of my path tracer…

Ray tracing and to a greater extent, its sister algorithm, path tracing, have always fascinated me. At its core, the idea of ray tracing is…

December 04, 2019
It’s been a goal of mine to attach a blog to my personal website for a long time, and I’m happy to say that I finally got around to the task…

Some Projects

Arch Linux Kernel Patcher for Surface Devices
Autogenerates PKGBUILDs and setup scripts for jakeday's patched kernel, so that you can run Arch Linux comfortably on a Microsoft Surface device.

Alexa YouTube Skill
Enables Alexa to play audio from YouTube. The project wiki has detailed instructions that walk you through the setup process.

Dual_EC_DRBG Backdoor Demonstration
Demonstrates how a Shumlow-Ferguson attack could be used to recover the internal state of any Dual_EC_DRBG pseudorandom number generator.

And more on GitHub ...
Follow @dmhacker

Cool Visualizations

TSP Approximation Algorithms
A visual comparison of simulated annealing and hill climbing algorithms. Shared on /r/InternetIsBeautiful.

2D Feedforward Neural Network
Watch as a neural network is trained in your browser. Optionally supply your own training set.

3D Adaptation of Langton's Ant
Based off of this research paper. Configure what path it generates using your own ruleset.

3D Function Plotter & Grapher
Calculus I tool to help with visualizing volumes of solids of revolution.